Five essential tips For a Wonderful Healthy Autumn

Autumn is a wonderful time to indulge yourself. It is also a time when your skin is more receptive to the care you give it. So, take advantage of this season and give your skin the best facial treatment!


Your skincare routine needs to adapt to the change in cycle. The off-season is a time of transition as it prepares your body for winter.

Winter can be a challenging time for your skin. Fatigue and the decrease in sunlight can cause your skin to become sensitive. It loses its tone and elasticity as it becomes dehydrated. Skin imperfections reappear wrinkles, fine lines, skin dryness, sagging skin, redness, or increased sebum production.


Tip 1: Adopt a good diet in the fall

Autumn is a great season to start detoxing to eliminate bad fats accumulated during the summer. Fall provides us with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber essential to our diet. Make the most of seasonal fruits and vegetables!  Do not ignore the essential fatty acids found in nuts (macadamia, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.) or vegetable oils (rapeseed, walnuts, flax, etc.). Eat a variety of colorful foods!


Tip 2: It is Peeling season

Peels can be used to treat various skin problems, including acne. Peels are particularly useful in fighting the signs of aging and can restore the radiance of your skin.

Peeling will activate cell renewal and eliminate minor skin imperfections (dilated pores, pigment spots, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and fine lines, etc.). The skin will be visibly brighter, smoother, and more toned. It treats almost all facial / body aesthetic problems and is suitable for all skin types.

Link to our Face and body scrub (summer Glow + Pure Melting Scrub + desert sand scrub + exfoliating cream)


Tip #3: Moisturize your skin

As you know, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water a day to stay in shape. Staying hydrated is the best way to tackle the coldest months of the year.  Winter is also the best time to switch from using lotion to cream. As the air gets dry, your skin needs a thicker moisturizer. 

Link to Cream Delight, Sensual Balm, Shea Butter Cocon.

Remember to protect your lips by moisturizing to prevent cracks and dryness. Use a lip balm for best results.

Link to our Lip Balm.


Tip 4: Sunscreen for UV protection

Longwave UVA rays are present all year round and are responsible for premature skin aging. Sunscreen is essential, even during the fall season. Cloudy days make you forget that UV rays are invisible to the human eye. A good broad-spectrum sunscreen will offer protection against pollution, UVA, and UVB rays. It will keep you protect and leave your skin feeling silky with a matte finish.


Tip 5: Adapt your facial routine and choose the right products.

There are tons of reasons for not having the correct facial routine:  Lack of time, a profusion of brands and cosmetic products, or even the lack of knowledge on how to use them.

We are here to help and provide our expertise. We can advise you on a few active ingredients to incorporate into your facial routine.  So let’s talk about the active ingredients that interest us.


The ingredients of the day cream:

The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid, known for its safety (no allergenic). It has been used in the form of injections to fill the intercellular spaces and hydrate the dermis. It also has the effect of smoothing the skin and ensuring long-lasting hydration.

Link to Radiance Cream, Age & Merveille Cream. Zone T Gel Cream


What the night cream should contain:

A miraculous Oil has been making a comeback in the cosmetic industry for the past few years: Prickly Pear Seed Oil. 

Initially used in the treatment of acne and pouch under the eyes, this agent has proven to be effective in reversing the effects of time. It improves cell renewal and boosts the production of collagen and other dermal molecules such as hyaluronic acid and elastin. It is perfect for any skin type and can be used as an oil or added to your night cream.

Link to prickly pear seed oil, Ages & Merveille Cream.


Don’t forget that Now is always a good time to take care of Yourself. Find a routine that works for you and stay healthy.