How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Cleansing Water

Cleansing is a vital part of a basic skincare routine. Through cleansing, you strip your face off dirt and excess oil, leaving a clean canvas for your other skincare products. And if you want to make the most out of your cleansing water, you should definitely follow these simple tips.

Always Read and Follow the Label

Similar to any other beauty product, cleansing water comes with a set of instructions to follow. If you didn't pay attention when you bought it or you're unsure about how to use it, then read the label. It should show you how much on your face or wipe to use, as well as if you need to rinse after. You should also consider the water's pH level if it has one, as that could affect how it works.

Use as Many Cotton Pads as Needed

Cleansing water is super effective in getting rid of the dirt and oil on your face, but that doesn't mean it can do it on its own. This is why you'll need to use a lot of it to make it work. Use as many cotton pads as necessary to let the cleansing water do its magic. A good rule of thumb is to keep cleansing your face with cotton pads until the last cotton pad has little to no traces of dirt on it.

Be Gentle When Applying It on Your Face, Especially Around the Eyes

The skin around your eyes is delicate and sensitive, so you should be very careful when applying the cotton pad with the cleansing water on it there. Avoid rubbing the cotton pad too hard on the area to avoid irritation, and focus only on the area you have to get rid of the dirt and oil — no need to apply extra pressure and make it worse than it is.

Give Your Skin Time to Absorb the Cleansing Water

After you have applied the water to your face, give your skin time to absorb the cleansing water and take effect. The instruction on the bottle may say you only have to wait for 30 seconds to let it do its job, but that also depends on the product. If the cleansing water is a toner instead of cleansing water, it may take a longer time to dry, so give your skin a few minutes or two before you apply the next step of your skincare routine.

Don't Forget to Cleanse Your Neck

Since your neck tends to be oily and dirty, too, you still need to cleanse it to make the most out of your skincare routine. Rub the cotton pad with the cleansing water on it around your neck after you have done it to your face. You may want to do it a little harder than you do on your face, but not too hard. This will remove the excess oil and dirt on your neck and get your skin clean, ready for the rest of your skincare routine.

Final Thoughts

One of the great things about cleansing water is that it comes with minimal prep work. All you have to do is whip out the bottle and apply it to your face. But if you really want to make the most out of it, make sure you follow each tip we mentioned above. This way, you won't have to worry about your cleansing water not being as effective as you want it to be.

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